Would you like help a Manchester charity?
While 99% of our Manchester events are for you, that doesn't mean we don't have a charitable side, And we know you do, too. That's why we like to do what we can like to promote Manchester charities. Certainly, charity events are fundamentally about raising awareness, but they are also often good-spirited to ensure that people come together for the cause. There's no shortage of things to do in Manchester and that includes charity events. They're both fun and leave you in good spirits.
The best in local and national charities
Every now and then an organiser for an event will get in touch with us to request that we list such an event on to the calendar. This means that you get to hear about all of the exclusive charity events in Manchester. You will be able to don your finest gown and enjoy yourself at these events while raising awareness for a great cause. There are some fantastic charities in Manchester, such as The Christie, and we are happy to help where we can.
Challenge yourself and raise awareness at the same time
We don't just attend black-tie charity events, however. We also take part in challenging activities such as the Three Peaks Challenge, just like we did for Bowel Cancer UK. When it comes to pure adventure and adrenaline, our events are the very best way to raise awareness and funds for good causes. Whether you’re simply looking to challenge yourself or are a seasoned professional, we’ve got something just for you. Take on challenges on UK walks, hikes, and treks, and see breathtaking views, national parks, and mountain ranges.
So how does it work?
We know it’s a little unusual to turn up at an event knowing no one, so we don’t expect you to. Instead, we introduce you to the founders and then to the event host, who will make sure you’re feeling excited and not too nervous.
Whether it’s that you're looking for more things to do in Manchester or it's a lifelong ambition you're dying to fulfil, our Manchester activities have got you covered! Try us for Free.