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Membership is paid for with just 2 events: a walk and a movie. It's a no brainer!
New to the city or just looking to be refreshed at parts you have reached before? Welcome to Manchester is the ideal walk, a taster, a teaser, a trip through town on a timeless tourist trail. It’s a best of everything, taking in the old and the new, the ancient and the artful, the glamorous and the glorious. It’s the perfect welcome or welcome back to the 21st century city.
• Chinatown
• The Georgian jewel that is the Portico Library
• The Art Gallery to see a Pre-Raphaelite masterpiece
• The Central Library Reading Room inspired by Rome’s St Peter’s Basilica
• Where Rolls met Royce to launch the world’s most famous luxury cars
• Manchester’s greatest building, now a 5-star hotel
• A hidden gem of a church to see the miraculous Stations of the Cross paintings
• The Town Hall in all its Gothic glory
Welcome to Manchester FiÂÂÂnishes at the Town Hall Sculpture Hall café in time for lunch.
*Please check website for updated times as they are subject to change*