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Membership is paid for with just 2 events: a walk and a movie. It's a no brainer!
Come and join in, it’s absolutely FREE! Here at Social Circle we make it our business to offer you the best of what Manchester has to offer. Our selection of walks enable you to to come along and explore this great city, and meet new people in Manchester along the way.
Behind the chaotic, cardamom-coated world of the Curry Mile lie the remains of a luxurious, tree-lined estate of Gothic villas created in the 1830s for Manchester’s burgeoning middle class away from noise and smell of factories.
Victoria Park is still the most fascinating suburb in south Manchester, its shabbiness and faded glamour only adding to the mystique. It is also the location of the city’s most remarkable looking building, Edgar Wood’s expressionist 1st Church of Christ Scientist on Daisy Bank Road (top left).
Some of their Victoria Park walks finish at Victoria Baths an Edwardian water palace, lovingly restored in recent years, for the open day (but please check it’s open on the day of our walk. It tends to be shut in winter).
*Please check website for updated times as they are subject to change*