Be part of something bigger and expand your Social Circle here.
Membership is paid for with just 2 events: a walk and a movie. It's a no brainer!
Come and join in, it’s absolutely FREE! Here at Social Circle we make it our business to offer you the best of what Manchester has to offer. Our selection of walks enable you to to come along and explore this great city, and meet new people in Manchester along the way.
He broke the Nazis’ Enigma code, almost invented the computer, and was persecuted to a painful suicide by the ungrateful authorities.
Alan Turing: tortured genius and modern martyr.
We (belatedly) celebrate his birthday (23 June 1912) with a walk from Manchester University, taking in the site where the computer was invented and where he worked, on to the cinema where he met his nemesis and his statue in the Gay Village.
*Please check website for updated times as they are subject to change*