**24 hours notice for bookings as subject to numbers & availability**
It's too late to enter the BUPA Fun Run but it doesn't mean we can't go along and support the runners, letting them do all the leg work. 
Come and join in the fun and support the various charities being supported on the day and I'm sure we'll go for a few drinks afterwards.
The Bupa Great Manchester Run is one the UK’s fastest growing 10k races, taking in the sights and sounds of Manchester city centre.
The run, at 10,000 meters long, is challenging enough to attract some of the worlds best distance runners. However, the race is very popular with a wide range of enthusiasts. This means that you should expect to see runners with a wide range of skills and abilities including a generous selection of runners from the celebrity world.
The route is likely to be popular with spectators cheering on their favourite runners, as well as doing a bit of celebrity spotting.
Steve your host will TEXT you on the day telling you where he is and what he's wearing outside Manchester Central Library so you'll have his number just in case you're running late or want him to meet you outside first.
Any drinks or food are additional and payable by you.
Over 20 FREE events per month with membership. And all for just £1.99 a week.