In honour of the city's newest event, the Manchester Day Parade will take to the streets, made by the people, for the people.
The Manchester Day Parade will bring together all the many different cultures and organisations who live and work in the city, to create a colourful, vibrant and exciting event. Expect extraordinary floats, costumed dancers, musicians and other participants, flooding the streets with colour, sound and celebration, for one afternoon.
The parade, produced by Walk the Plank, will start at 2pm in Castlefield and will weave its way through the city centre.*
Expect a display of vibrant costumes, fantastic street dance and amazing wheeled structures designed by the local community to celebrate Manchester's Out of this world creativity.
Organisers had a difficult decision selecting participants who are now busy making outstanding floats and costumes, and rehearsing breathtaking dance routines.
Manchester Day is a fantastic new event added to the city's ever growing events calendar. It is a day for both residents and visitors to come together and celebrate Manchester's unique creativity and diversity.
Jen your host will TEXT you on the day telling you where she is and what she's wearing at the library so you'll have her number just in case you're running late or want her to meet you outside first.