Goyt Valley
Length: 7 miles
Duration: 3.5hrs excluding stops
Difficulty level: 2/3
Transport: Car shares
What better way to get to know some new people than to take a leisurely walk in one of England's most popular districts. No distractions! Just fantastic scenery and some great company. Our walks in the Peak district continue with this classic walk through the Goyt Valley.
With its combination of moorland, woodland, streams and fine views the Goyt Valley is one of the Peak Districts hidden gems.
Our walk will encompass some of the most interesting features and grandest scenery. Featuring the abandoned hall and shine to the Shining Tor ridge. Following along the ridge with (hopefully!) superb views on both sides to the summit of Shining Tor, before we drop back down into the wooded valley.
Please bring: good walking boots, comfortable trousers/shorts (no jeans), waterproofs, fleece, hat, sunscreen lotion, packed lunch, water, tea/coffee.