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1st January 2007 1.30pm
Event: Indoor climbing 1.30pm to 2.30pm (with the option to stay after the course and continue climbing) Venue: at Manchester Climbing Centre, one of the largest climbing walls in Europe (www.manchesterclimbingcentre.com)Only 9 places available.
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Climbing Lessons for Beginners (up to 9 places first come first served) Never been climbing but fancy having a go? During this hour session, a fully qualified instructor will take you climbing, covering the very basics and getting in as much action as possible. All gear and entry to the wall is included. Climbing is a great way of keeping fit in an exciting, social environment. What to wear? Loose trousers, not jeans, trainer/thin socks, and a fleece/jumper. It is usually possible to arrange car shares to get there. Total cost including equipment £20