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Edale Skyline mountain challenge - Without Adventure...What is Life!
Distance: 22.7 miles
Difficulty: 5 (few steep ascents, strenuous)
Duration: 11h
Edale Skyline is the route of one of the great UK fell races and a recognised UK mountain challenge for fell walkers. The race happens every year since the early 1970’s, around end of March, and it is not for the faint hearted! From Edale the course climbs to Ringing Roger then traverses the Skyline via checkpoints at near Jaggers Clough, Win Hill, Lose Hill, Mam Tor, Brown Knoll, Edale Cross, Grindslow Knoll and then back to Ringing Roger for the final descent. The route is 21-23 miles long (depending on the point of ascent). It covers a 1400m (just under 4600ft) total ascent and as such it is recommended as a walking route for a Mountain Challenge as well. The professionals run it in about 4h and it is estimated as a 9-11 hours walk. With old Roman roads, Iron Age hillforts, beautiful cloughs, stunning gritstone formations and ancient battle grounds the walk is covering the most beautiful scenery and ridges of the Dark Peak area.

As the distance of this walk is close to that of the Yorkshire Three Peaks (24.5 miles) and the National Three Peaks (26 miles) and it is a recognised challenge route, Social Circle will be issuing certificates to everyone who completes it. You are also more than welcome to use this challenge as a fundraising opportunity for a charity of your choice.
Kit list: good walking boots (well broken in), walking trousers (no jeans), gaiters (parts of the walk may be boggy), fleece, gloves, hat, waterproofs, walking poles (optional), personal first aid kit (blister plasters, pain killers), tea flask/water bottle, energy bars, packed lunch head torch.
CAUTION: This is a strenuous route which requires a certain level of fitness.