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Kinder Edges from Edale- Without Adventure...What Is Life!
Distance: 17miles
Duration: 7-8h
Difficulty: 4 (steep ascent with mild scramble, same route on the way down)

Kinder Scout, a towering windswept plateau, highest point in the Dark Peak, with its fantastic gritstone formations, beautiful moorland, waterfalls, cloughs and brooks is a stunning place and a source of many legends. It is said that gazing into the Mermaid’s Pool at the plateau will grant you insight into the future and holding a vigil there on the night of Easter eve may even grant you eternal life. Over 50 planes crashed here during the wars in the space of 30 years and Kinder Scout is known as the Britain’s Bermuda triangle. Battles between the Celtic tribes and the Roman invades were held here and the whole area is said to be haunted by ghosts of many eras..

It is also achingly beautiful, in a very eerie and fantastic way. This walk, as a warm up for the longer mountain challenges this year, will take us all along the stunning gritstone plateau of Kinder Scout with its many rock formations, starting with a mild scramble up the Grindsbrook Clough. We will then turn towards the Ringing Roger and the Crookstone Knoll and going past the Madwoman Stones we’ll follow the outline of the Blackden Edge above the Ashop Moor. We will pass many other amazing rock formations such as the Seal Stones, Boxing Gloves and Mill Hill rocks, before joining the Pennine Way onto the stunning Kinder Downfall, the tallest waterfall in the Peak District. After lunch with beautiful views towards the Kinder Reservoir and the Mermaid’s Pool we will continue along the Pennine Way and leave it shortly before the Jacob’s Ladder, following the path towards more fantastic gritstone formations such as Noe Stool, Pym Chair, the Pagoda and the Woolpacks and admiring the views towards the Great Ridge. We will then descend via the Grindsbrook Clough thus closing the circuit and heading for a well deserved dinner and a pint at the Rambler’s Inn in Edale.
Kit list: ankle-holding walking boots (no trainers!), walking trousers (no jeans), warm clothes, a change of socks, waterproofs, hat, gloves, packed lunch, tea flask
CAUTION: This walk requires a certain level of fitness as there won’t be many possibilities of quitting or going back.