Save £4! Completely and Utterly 100% FREE Event, including your Class, Exclusively for Members! So Join Here Now and Save Money Today!
Social Circle are please to bring you Greater Manchester's only Wobbleyou Fitness Session.
Hate the gym? Don't have time to exercise? Looking for a quick and easy way to stay in shape? Look no further...! We are the only studio in Greater Manchester dedicated to the use of technology known as 'FLABéLOS'; best described as a 'whole body vibration workout'.
With FLABéLOS you can get the benefits of a one hour gym session in just a 10 minute 'wobble' - the most strenuous thing you need to do is take off your shoes! Benefits of regular ‘wobbling’ include inch loss & toning, reduced cellulite, minimised lower back pain, improved circulation, increased metabolism and anti-aging effects.
Wobbleyou is presented by a friendly bunch who want to nothing more than you to achieve your health and fitness aspirations in a sociable and relaxed environment.
Appointments are booked over the phone 24hr in advance on 0161 228 3375 after booking as a member with Social Circle.