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Beehive Cake Walk, 8 Miles
Yes, let's be upfront about it, there'll be cake. But you're going to have to work for it. This walk isn't flat - it definitely has a few steep bits looking at the contours on map (but only hills, not mountains like you get in Snowdonia, for example).
And as usual we're going nowhere in particular except back to the pub where we started, the lovely Beehive Inn at Combs (http://www.thebeehiveinn.co.uk/Index.html). Total length of the walk is 8 miles.
Given the time of year, if there's a risk of ice underfoot, or snow obscuring the paths then this walk may be changed or cancelled.
Kit list: hat, gloves, warm clothes, waterproof jacket and trousers, walking trousers walking boots as may be slippy tea flask.
Regular walking can...
fill you with energy and confidence
help you beat stress
make your heart fitter and strengthen your bones
help you keep your weight down