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Roaches Walk
We did this walk last year, around this sort of time and the wild flowers in the meadows were stunning. It’s hard to know whether we’ll see the same this year, but you won’t know if you don’t come along.
Most people think of going up and over The Roaches (a rocky outcrop near Leek), but just to be different, we shall go around them.
The walk is about 9 miles, and generally flat (because we’re going round, not over), but there are always ups and downs.
Definitely one to wear boots and not trainers, as there is at least one famously, er, "muddy" farmyard. Bring trainers for the pub/car though. Did I mention that we’d get a pub lunch afterwards?
Your host, Miles, might even bake a cake...
Kit list: walking boots (no trainers), walking trousers (no jeans), fleece, waterproofs, gaiters, hat, gloves, snacks/sandwich, tea flask/water bottle.
Regular walking can...
fill you with energy and confidence
help you beat stress
make your heart fitter and strengthen your bones
help you keep your weight down