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Join Social Circle

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We can't wait to meet you

As a Social Circle member, you'll have unlimited access to our weekly events and activities. Our calendar is always packed with a variety of events – meals out, comedy nights, country walks, city escapes, and so much more! You're welcome to attend as many as you like.

Join Social Circle Today

Membership Details

What would £47 give you?: A haircut? A massage? Concert ticket? Theatre? Meal? How about a whole new world of people and experiences, let Social Circle become your social secretary and make it your lifestyle of choice.

No commitment!: There's no fixed membership period, so it's really easy if you ever wanted to leave or take a break. Try us for a month and see how it goes, what do you have to lose?

Money-back guarantee: We offer a 100% money-back guarantee on your first month. So, if your not having fun, we'll give you a full refund.

Are you now ready to start expanding and enhancing your social network whilst meeting new people who enrich your life?

Your life is a result of the choices you make. Pluck up the courage to make Social Circle your lifestyle of choice and join via Pay Pal now.

First name
Mobile number
Confirm Email
I've read and accept the Terms & Conditions

If you would prefer to pay over the phone contact Steve on 07845 529 538.

For any other queries, contact us via email, or over chat.

Terms & Conditions


“Social Circle” means the organisation known as Social Circle as displayed at also referred to in the terms and conditions as 'the agent'
“You” means you as an individual and any of your Guests
“Guest” means any person who you may book on an Event on their behalf
“Event” any event, gathering or outing organised by Social Circle
“Supplier” means any third party supplier who organises Events on which Social Circle may book places.
“Member” means any person who has paid the Membership Fee
“Membership Fee” means the fee payable for a person to become a Member, this fee will be published on and will be valid for the Membership Period
“Membership Period” means either a period of 1,3, 6 or 12
“Membership Commencement Date” means the date the Membership Period starts from
“Membership Expiry Date” means the date either 1,3, 6 or 12 from the Membership Commencement Date.


1.1 On certain Events, Social Circle will be acting as an agent for Suppliers and these Events are under the control of those third parties subject to their terms and conditions. Terms and Conditions will be available from the Suppliers or, on request, Social Circle will tell you where they can be found. By booking on an Event organised by a Supplier you acknowledge that the terms and conditions of the Supplier are accepted by yourself.

1.2 Social Circle has no responsibility for the manner of delivery of the Event by Suppliers.

1.3 As Agent, Social Circle does not have contractual liability to you for the event or for the negligence or breach of contract by the Supplier.

1.4 Social Circle has the right in its absolute discretion to limit the number of attendees at any event or to refuse attendance for any reason or to prevent you or any of your guests from taking part in or continuing at any Event.

1.5 Please note that Events will run subject to sufficient numbers and availability. Social Circle endeavour to run as many events as possible however on the rare occasion where sufficient numbers cannot be secured or availability is limited Social Circle reserve the right to reschedule or cancel the event, with a full refund.

1.6 When participating in any Event you shall conduct yourself in a responsible, sensible safe and social manner towards all other event attendees, organisers, Suppliers and members of the general public.

1.7 Social Circle is not responsible for the acts or other actions by other people attending Events.

1.8 Suppliers or other event organisers can refuse admission if in their opinion you may be a risk to others or yourself or you are affecting the enjoyment of others or the running of the event whether through drink, drugs or otherwise.


2.1 2.1 Payment for any Event may be made online at by transfer from your Bank Account or by payment through Paypal, visa or debit card. Payment shall be made in GB Pounds sterling. No payment for any Event shall be deemed to have been received until Social Circle has received cleared funds. If payments are made by cheque drawn on a UK branch of a UK bank 6 working days shall be allowed for clearance from the day the cheque is received by Social Circle or such longer period as shall be required by Social Circle's bankers. Cheques must be sent to: Steve Sutherland, Social Circle, 28 Cloister Road, Heaton Mersey, Stockport, Cheshire, SK4 3AE.

2.2 Payment by debit card and visa can be accepted by ringing Steve Sutherland on: 07767 686177. If payment is taken by telephone it will be taken that you have already read and accepted these terms and conditions.

2.3 Every effort is made to ensure that prices for Events shown on Social Circle's site are accurate. If an application to take part has been accepted and an error is found Social Circle will inform you as soon as possible and offer you the option of reconfirming your application for the Event at the correct price or cancelling your application for that Event. If you cancel because of such error Social Circle will refund or re-credit you for any sum that has been paid by you except where the terms and conditions of the Supplier say otherwise.

2.4 Social Circle will take all reasonable precautions to keep the details of your applications and payment secure, but unless Social Circle is negligent, Social Circle will not be liable for unauthorised access to information supplied by you and in any event only to the value of the transaction conducted with Social Circle.


3.1 Requests for cancellation of event bookings are only accepted by email.

3.2 The cost of any Event organised solely by Social Circle is non-refundable, however you can find someone to replace you on the Event subject to the provisions of Clauses 3.3 and 3.4;

3.2 Social Circle sells tickets on behalf of Suppliers and policies set forth by our Suppliers may prohibit us from issuing exchanges or refunds after an Event has been booked. Social Circle will use reasonable endeavours to obtain a refund from the Supplier and Social Circle will reimburse you with any refund issued from the Supplier. Subject to the Supplier's terms and conditions permitting it you can find someone to replace you on the Event subject to the provisions of Clauses 3.3 and 3.4;

3.3 Subject to the provisions of Clause 10.12 we are happy for you to find your own replacement to attend on your behalf at any time subject to you paying any administration costs charged by Suppliers (including but not limited changing names or transferring tickets).

3.4 Subject to the provisions of Clause 10.12, iIf you are replacing yourself at an Event, then you will need to inform us of the new attendees name and contact details (telephone number and email address) at least 24 hours in advance of the Event taking place. Your nominated attendee will be expected to follow the same rules and guidelines as anyone else and in certain events, will need to be prepared and in appropriate health and condition.

3.5 If you do not turn up for the event for whatever reason you will automatically forfeit any monies paid.

3.6 Social Circle shall not be responsible or liable in any way whatsoever for the cancellation of an Event other than as provided by this clause;

3.7 Where cancellation arises and is the fault of a Supplier of an Event the terms and conditions of that Supplier shall apply.

3.8 Social Circle will use reasonable endeavours to recover payment of the monies paid by you for the Event but shall not be obliged to commence legal proceedings.

3.9 Social Circle gives no warranty that the provider of an Event will accept your booking or application or that such provider will not cancel or vary the Event.

3.10 Some variations to the published times or arrangements for an Event may be made by the Supplier or Social Circle. They may be no right to cancel or obtain a refund for the changes such as timing or the precise nature of equipment used, or programme or content.

3.11 Some Events are dependant on weather or other factors outside the control of Social Circle or the Supplier and no right to cancellation or refund exists in these circumstances unless the Terms and Conditions of the Supplier says otherwise.

3.12 A cancellation fee of £9.50 is chargeable to anyone that books an event and subsequently does not attend the event, nor cancels the event within 48hrs.


4.1 It is your responsibility to familiarise yourself with the terms and conditions of the Supplier and the rules regulations and safety policy governing the Event.

4.2 Participation in all Events is at your risk. Because of the risk attached to some events you may be required to sign a form of disclaimer of liability provided by the Supplier as a condition of taking part. If you refuse to sign such a disclaimer and this prevents your participation in the Event Social Circle shall have no liability to provide compensation

4.3 You must ensure that you are physically fit and capable of taking part in any Event and in booking on an Event you warrant to Social Circle that you are physically suited to take part in such Event.

4.4 In view of the potentially dangerous nature of certain Events you are recommended to obtain your own personal accident and third party liability insurance through companies of your own choice and to suit your personal circumstances. It is your responsibility to arrange suitable insurance as you deem appropriate.

4.5 You agree to indemnify and hold Social Circle harmless from any claim or demand, including reasonable legal fees, made by any third party due to or arising out of your breach of these Terms or arising from your negligence or breach of duty.

4.6 Social Circle shall not be liable to You for any pure economic loss, loss of profit, loss of business, or otherwise, whether direct, indirect or consequential, or any claims for consequential compensation whatsoever (howsoever caused) which arise out of or in connection with an Event.

4.7 Failure or delay by Social Circle in enforcing or partially enforcing any provision of the Terms will not be construed as a waiver of any of its rights under the Terms.


5.1 If a Supplier provides equipment as part of the Event then Social Circle shall not be liable for defects in or shortages of such equipment or parts thereof. You will at all times use equipment in accordance with the guidance and advice given by the Supplier.

5.2 Social Circle will not be held responsible or liable if you fail to use or use properly any equipment provided (whether specialised or otherwise) for the performance of Events.

5.3 You shall have no claim against Social Circle for any failure by the Supplier to supply adequate equipment instruction information or advice or to ensure that the Event is suitably organized, managed or controlled.

5.4 When participating in an Event which requires or recommends you to provide specific clothing or equipment you and any of your guests must supply what is required. Social Circle shall not be responsible for the care maintenance or repair of such clothing equipment tools or appliances.

5.5 Social Circle will not be liable for any loss or injury sustained if you choose not to abide by the recommendations for specific clothing or equipment .


6.1 Unless otherwise stated in the details of the Event, you are responsible for getting yourself to and from Events.

6.2 Some Events are publicised as transport by 'car share'. The car shares are organised by Social Circle but taking part is entirely voluntary on your part and it is not a necessity for you to use this method of transport to attend the event.

6.3 If you decide to participate in the 'car share as a passenger the responsibility is on you as a passenger to check that the driver has appropriate insurance as required by law. You acknowledge that you are aware of the risk of injury or death to yourself or damage to your belongings by choosing to make use of the 'car share' arrangement offered. Social Circle will not be liable for any of the above incidents that may occur should you choose to make use of the 'car share' arrangement offered.

6.4 If you volunteer to be a driver for a 'car share' arrangement then you acknowledge that you have appropriate insurance in place and that your vehicle is road worthy as required by law. Social Circle will not be liable for any incidents, accidents or claims arising out of you volunteering to be a 'car share' driver.


7.1 Social Circle may take photographs or videos at Events and Social Circle reserve the right to use any such photographs or videos on our website and in other publicity materials. Social Circle will, ensure that all photographs or videos used are in good taste and unlikely to cause offence.

7.2 Social Circle shall have no responsibility for loss or damage sustained by you arising from the passage of any computer virus or other damaging electronic messages sent via its regular email correspondence.


8.1 8.1 Any personal details supplied to Social Circle by the member shall be kept and remain confidential to Social Circle. By entering your details into thebestof Manchester's microsite to gain free membership of Social Circle you will be joining their mailing list. Thebestof Manchester will never share your data with a third party. The only times this data shall be used is for the purposes of which it was obtained or if required by law.


9.1 In the event that any of the provisions, or any part of this agreement are considered to be unenforceable or invalid by any court of competent jurisdiction, the validity and enforceability of the remaining provisions, or any part of, shall not be affected thereby, and full effect shall be given to the intent manifested by the provisions, or any part of, held to be enforceable and valid, unless such invalidity shall pertain to the obligation to pay fees, in which event this Agreement shall be deemed terminated.


Application for Membership

10.1 All Social Circle membership applications must be completed online. Once the application is verified and payment is received and fully cleared, the new Member will receive an email notifying them that they are now officially a paid Member of Social Circle.

10.2 Completion of a membership application form signifies your acceptance of these Terms and Conditions.

10.3 When applying for membership with Social Circle, you are acknowledging that you are at least 18 years old. If found that you don't meet this requirement, Social Circle has the right to prevent you from attending an event and terminating your membership, via written communication. No refund would be granted.

Renewal of Membership

10.4 Social Circle uses a Continuous Service Agreement for its online subscription service which means that if your original Membership Fee was paid online will be automatically renewed on the Membership Expiry Date using the same payment method unless you have cancelled your Membership according to the provisions of Clause 10.13 below. Your Membership will be automatically renewed for the same duration as the original term that was originally selected for the initial Membership

10.5 If a Member pays the Membership Fee by telephone or by cheque they will receive an email prior to the Membership Expiry Period reminding them that their membership is due to expire. If a member fails to renew their membership will automatically expire on the Membership Expiry Date.

Your Online Account

10.6 Upon your membership application being fully approved, you are able to login to your Social Circle account.

10.7 The account is for your sole use.

10.8 You are responsible for ensuring that you are logged out of your account where the computer you are logged in on as accessible by others.

Membership Benefits

10.9 As a Member you are not permitted to allow non-members to attend an event on your behalf except in the case of you cancelling an event, in which case the non-member will have to pay the applicable event fee. See the 'Cancellations' section in this document.

Termination of Membership

10.10 As a member you can cancel your Membership by writing to: Social Circle, 28 Cloister Rd, Stockport SK4 3AE, or by emailing and we will terminate your account. Your cancellation request must be in writing and must be received 30 days or more before your Membership Period is due to expire. To cancel auto renewal of any payments you must cancel this yourself within your Pay Pal account.

10.11 Social Circle may terminate or suspend the membership of any Member at any time for any reason whatsoever.

10.12 Membership Fees are non-refundable. Cancellation of membership, will not entitle the former Member for a refund, no matter what the reason.

Member Conduct

10.13 Complaints made to Social Circle in respect of the behaviour of Members will be investigated. Repeated complaints could potentially give us the right to terminate your Membership.

10.14 For events which cost less than £10, if you fail to give us 48 hours notice or do not show up at an event, then that will act as a 'mark' against you. If you accrue three 'marks' Social Circle reserves the right to cancel your membership with immediate effect. This is because most events are restricted in the number of attendees, and if a Member is found to be abusing the Membership Benefits by repeatedly booking on these events and not showing up this is detrimental to other Members and non-members by preventing them to book.

10.15 If your Membership is terminated on the grounds of Clauses 10.16 and 10.17 then you will not be eligible for any refund of your Membership Fee, and you will not be permitted to re-apply for Membership for a six-month period following the terminating of membership.


Our complaints policy exists to:

Provide a fair complaints procedure which is clear and easy to use for anyone wishing to make a complaint or resolve an issue.
Publicise the existence of our complaints procedure so that people know how to contact us to make a complaint.
Ensure all complaints are investigated fairly and in a timely way.
Collect information which helps us to improve what we do in future.

Complaints Procedure

We do our utmost to ensure that we offer an excellent service to our members and we are always available to discuss any issues.
All complaints emailed to: .
We will acknowledge receipt of your complaint within 3 days, and will look to complete an investigation with 28 days of receiving your initial communication. We will notify you of the outcome of our decision by e-mail to the email address registered with us. If an investigation has not been fully completed, a progress report will be sent with an indication of when a full reply will be given.


Any complaint information will be handled sensitively, and will follow relevant data protection requirements


Overall responsibility for this policy and its implementation lies with the customer liaison department supported by the Management Committee. Again, they can be contacted on the above email address.


Upon booking onto an event, you will be required to complete our COVID-19 form that will be sent out 24 hours prior to an event, this is to ensure the safety of all attendees and Social Circle event hosts.

By booking on to a Social Circle event you consent to the use of your details for the NHS track and trace should Social Circle be requested to provide this.

All event attendees must comply with the below set procedures to reduce the spread of Covid-19 while attending a Social Circle event.

By completing the Social Circle Covid-19 form and subsequently attending a Social Circle event, atendees must confirm that:

  1. They are not experiencing any symptom of illness such as cough, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, fever, chills, repeated shaking with chills, muscle pain, headache, sore throat, or new loss of taste or smell.
  2. They have not travelled internationally within the last 14 days.
  3. They have not travelled to a highly impacted area within the last 14 days.
  4. They/ others in their household are not awaiting a Covid-19 test result.
  5. They have not been exposed to someone with a suspected and/or confirmed case of the Coronavirus/COVID-19.

Atendees are responsible for informing Social Circle of a Covid-19 positive test that they believe has come as a result of attending an event.

Atendees agree that Social Circle cannot guarantee that anyone will not become infected with the Coronavirus/Covid-19.
Atendees understand that the risk of becoming exposed to and/or infected by the Coronavirus/COVID-19 may result from the negligence of social distancing during an event.
Atendees therefore confirm that they will follow social distancing and/or restaurant/bar Covid-19 procedures when in attendance at an event.

Join Social Circle
base cost
disc amount
tot cost

LITpermonthone 47.00
LITpermonthsix 24.99
LITpermonthtwelve 19.99

LITtotone 47.00
LITtotsix 149.94
LITtottwelve 239.88

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