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“It was the best of pints, it was the worst of pints.” So begins Charles Dickens’s classic drinking novel, An Ale of Two Cities.
You’ll be believing such hoary tales by the end of what promises to be a loquacious, lush, literary lounge around town, our annual Boho Literary pub tour.
This is one of the big ones, so please book with Quaytickets – such is the demand to hear Ed Glinert (and possibly John Alker) recite passages from Shelley, Elizabeth Gaskell and John Cooper Clarke amid the pies and pints of Manchester’s greatest literary ale houses.
To prepare we can provide a suitable reading list.
• Charles Dickens’s drinking novels: An Ale of Two Cities and Old Tom’s Curiosity Shop.
• Jane Austen – London Pride and Prejudice.
• Thomas Hughes – Old Tom Brown’s Schooldays.
• Graham Greene King – Watney Mann in Havana.
• Anything by E. M. Foster’s. Or perhaps not.
*Please check website for updated times as they are subject to change*
![](https://www.social-circle.co.uk/UploadedFiles/images/Walking/new manchester walks.JPG)