If you're the one who always says Yes to everyone, but sometimes knows that you've taken on too much, maybe you need to learn how to say 'No' gracefully!
In this session we will look at:
- why boundaries are important (though setting them can feel uncomfortable)
-becoming aware of the limits on your time and your resources
-learning how to be confident to say what's ok and what's not.
This is all done in a graceful and collaborative way, there is no need to be aggressive in your approach.
Our expert Dr Jo Baldwin, Women's Mindset Coach will be conducting this workshop, her website www.drjobaldwin.co.uk
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 486 819 4727
Password: 2190
The Online Technology we are using:
If you've not used Zoom before, you may want to sign in a little earlier just so you can download the app if needed and test your audio settings - but it's all quite straightforward.
You can join from a desktop, laptop, tablet, phone etc. If you’re using Zoom for the first time, you’ll need to allow it access to camera and microphone and we’re using the ‘call via internet audio’ feature.
BOOK NOW and Jo will send you a link to join via zoom.