Wellbeing Wednesday Webinars are half an hour each week, dedicated to feeling better. Because with so many extra stresses and restrictions, we need to look after ourselves and each other. These bite-sized session have tips, insights and skills to help you to get more smoothly through the coming weeks and beyond.
They’re completely free, and everyone’s welcome. Our theme for Weds Jun 3rd is Getting Wellbeing Working. We’ll be busting some of the Wellbeing myths that often get in the way, laying some solid foundations for wellbeing success, and exploring a lovely skill for boosting your mind’s natural healing and recovery.
You will be sent a ZOOM link. The Online Technology we are using:
If you've not used Zoom before, you may want to sign in a little earlier just so you can download the app if needed and test your audio settings - but it's all quite straightforward.
You can join from a desktop, laptop, tablet, phone etc. If you’re using Zoom for the first time, you’ll need to allow it access to camera and microphone and we’re using the ‘call via internet audio’ feature.
BOOK NOW and Steve will send you a link to join via zoom. Easy peasy, lemon squeesy!