Overview: 3 days, 2 nights All Inclusive Fantastic Adventure Weekend 1st - 3rd April with self contained en-suite accommodation. All food provided with cooked breakfasts, packed lunches and home cooked evening meals with wine. All activities with fully qualified instructor so no outdoor experience needed. We supply all the necessary technical equipment so all you need to bring with you is enthusiasm.
Welcome get together with dinner around 8pm.We'll have a bite to eat and then go for a drink at the local pub for a chance to get to know each other better!
Coasteering is the nearest you can get to being a seal. Kit up with a wetsuit, buoyancy aid and helmet, and do everything your mum told you not to: climb,
scramble and swim around the rocks and into hidden caves, pausing occasionally to throw yourself off a cliff into the swirling waves below. It can be as peaceful or extreme as you could want and its incredible FUN! We will provide you with a, kagoul, buoyancy aid and helmet.
Climbing and Abseiling
Try a half day climbing and abseiling on the lower crags of Holyhead mountain. We can set you easy to more challenging graded climbs depending upon your ability and experience. After the climb you may wish to try an abseil which should prove to be a breath taking experience - views can be magnificent!
Our qualified instructors will set up and the routes then show you what it's all about and give you full safety instruction to allow you to climb at your own pace.
Sunday: Walking
After a lazy start reading the Sunday papers we will have our gentle 5 mile walk up the coastline viewing some of the great beaches and might even see a seal or two.
Coasteering is one of many things I've been wanting to give a try for ages. The activity was high adrenalin and the scenery was magnificent, a perfect combination! It was also a great way to meet lots of new people. The most fun weekend Ive had in a long time! Louise, Altrincham
Weekends away are great social occasions and are always more fun as part of a group. It's a great way to meet new people so don't worry if you are coming on your own. We will be car sharing up and down so lifts won't be a problem if needed.
Check out our video gallery to see how much fun these activities are here.